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Sunday, January 31, 2010

Photo 31 January 31

1-31 JB
Jimmy Buffet’s music is part of the reason we were drawn to Florida in the first place ~ simple, laid-back, fun ~ oh, and warm.  (Although, I have to admit that the only cheeseburger we’ve had in a town called Paradise was in the middle of winter in Michigan’s UP when we were snowmobiling.)

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Photo 30 January 30

1-30 Chocolate raisins
Healthy chocolate.  I’ve always loved raisins ~ Nature’s Candy ~ and they’re even better covered in chocolate.  We picked up an extra big jar at Costco ~ I wonder how long this jar will last?

Friday, January 29, 2010

Photo 29 January 29

1-29 Crabby clock
Our crabby clock.  I found this colorful crab at one of the flea markets down here and added the clock pieces.  It makes a really cute clock for the bathroom.

Photo 28 January 28

1-28 Sleep
Ahhhh ~ SLEEP.  I had heard lavender calms you, but I was surprised to learn that this lotion by Bath & Body Works really does help me sleep.  I have some body wash as well for a double dose of the sleepies.  Thanks, Melissa!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Photo 27 January 27

1-27 Lasagna 1-27 Fresh bread
Tonight’s dinner.  Actually, the spaghetti sauce was left over from the other night, so we thought lasagna sounded pretty good.  With a fresh loaf of bagette bread from Publix (and some French bread we had left over) ~ Yummmmmmm!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Photo 26 January 26

1-26 Treasury! copy 
One of my little Mini One-Snap Wallets was featured in an Etsy treasury today!  This treasury was put together by lazydays and features Valentine items by our Florida Etsy Street Team (FEST).  Treasuries are only up for a couple of days, but I was totally thrilled to be picked!  Thanks, lazydays!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Photo 25 January 25

1-25 Mancala 
Celia taught me how to play Mancala when they came to visit this summer ~ I almost figured it out pretty well while they were here, but I’m sure they kicked my butt 9 times out of 10.  I better practice up before I go out to Oregon to see them.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Layout 4 ~ In search of the perfect tree

 Week 4 LO (L) copy
Week 4 LO (R) copy
Pics of Jen, Robert, Nick, Monica, Celia and Mitchell finding their Christmas tree this year.

Photo 24 January 24

drooling over organizing

Organization envy.  I saw this in a recent issue of  Real Simple magazine.  I would love to be this organized ~ having all my photos loaded onto CDs or DVDs, labeled and sorted by year ~ and having all my miscellaneous cords bagged and labeled.  It may be a possibility ~ I don’t really have THAT many photos to back up.  I just need somewhere to put them once I do.  I’m adding that to my “Things to do” list. 

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Photo 23 January 23

1-23 Finished Project
Remember the project my hubby was working on in this post?  He finished it yesterday ~ LOVE the color!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Photo 22 January 22

1-22 Big Disney Bag 
Not that I really needed another bag, but we were browsing the Disney Store yesterday and they had these HUGE bags for 99 cents!  It measures 21” x 20” by 8” deep.  Who could pass that up?  Apparently, not me.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Photo 21 January 21

1-21 Keeping up with the Baumans
Keeping up with the Baumans on their way to Oregon.  As of 6:00 today,  they were in Lincoln, Nebraska at Cracker Barrel for dinner.  So far so good as far as the roads go ~ sending good juju for safe travel the rest of the way.  BTW ~ Trippish is a great site ~ it gives directions as well as the weather forecast along the way.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Photo 20 January 20

1-20 Bookshelf
Our bedroom bookshelf ~ mostly mob and Vegas stuff, with a little Dean Koontz and Napolean Dynamite thrown in.

Photo 19 January 19

1-19 What's wrong
What’s wrong, little Singer?  My sewing machine is a little sad ~ must be because I haven’t been paying much attention to it since we came back from Michigan at Christmas.  Notice how neat and clean the area is ~ that’s what’s wrong!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Layout 3 ~ Maya’s Gingerbread Tree

Week 3 LO copy
Instead of a making a gingerbread house like she usually does, Maya built a gingerbread tree ~ presents and all!  How fun!!

Photo 18 January 18

I love this quote.  “Gazing at each other” is fine when you’re young and wrinkle-free, but I don’t feel like I want my hubby “gazing” at me constantly now that my age is showing.  I’d rather we’d both be gazing elsewhere ~ preferably Las Vegas. :)
BTW ~ the quote is by Antoine De Saint-Exupéry in Wind, Sand and Stars.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Photo 17 January 17

 1-17 Chihuly
1-17 Chihuly 2
I was flipping through a Naples magazine and came across photos of a Dale Chihuly chandelier that someone had put in their home (of all places).  I’m totally enamored of Chihuly glass pieces ~ the first one I saw was the floral glass sculpture that  decorates the ceiling of the Bellagio lobby in Las Vegas.   He has also done a few for the Atlantis Resort on Paradise Island in the Bahamas.  Beautiful.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Photo 16 January 16

1-16 Happy
After being cooped up inside for weeks, my plants are happy to be able to breathe fresh warm air again.

Photo 15 January 15

1-15 Graduation pic
Does it count if I take a photo of a photo?  This is my graduation pic, and I added it as my profile pic on Facebook (there’s some kind of retro theme going on).  Hard to believe that pic’s more than 40 years old :(

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Photo 14 January 14

 1-14 New project 1 1-14 New project 2
New project for my hubby.  He’s decided to paint the entertainment center the color of blue sky ~ stay tuned for the finished pics!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Photo 13 January 13

1-13 Ball break
My balance ball ~ taking a well-deserved break.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Photo 12 January 12

1-12 End of the day sun
I love the way the sun shines into our room at the end of the day.  It warms the soul.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Photo 11 January 11

1-11 Purple pics
See anything wrong with these photos?  I had scanned in some old photos that I wanted copies of ~ and, needless to say, I’m having printer issues.  One of my printers won’t feed the 8-1/2 x 11 photo paper ~ keeps jamming ~ and my other printer turned out these lovely purple photos because I was running low on ink.  I wish printer ink wasn’t so expensive ….
p.s. The original photos weren’t anywhere near this color.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Layout 2 ~ BRRRR

Week 2 Layout ~ Brrrrr Sara sent me pics of Ryan and Nathan playing in the snow ~ I really (sometimes) miss being able to make snow angels with the kids.

Photo 10 January 10

1-10 OPI
I love OPI polish ~ mainly because of the names they create for their colors.  Currently, I have “Royal Flush Blush” (for luck, of course) and “Suzy Sells Sushi By The Seashore”.  I found this ad for their new Hong Kong collection ~ I think I’ll HAVE to have “A Good Man-darin Is Hard To Find” (3rd from the left at the top) ~  and maybe “Jade Is The New Black” (top right) if I’m brave enough.  And OH! They have a new Alice In Wonderland collection!  I may have to buy “Off With Her Red!”

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Photo 9 January 9

1-9 Raisinets
My current addiction.  Raisinets ~ the perfect combination ~ chocolate and raisins.  It’s a great way to get at least one serving of fruit.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Photo 8 January 8

1-8 Travel size 
I was cleaning out under the sink today and realized that I had not one but TWO gallon-size ziplocs 3/4 full of travel-size toiletries that we’ve collected in our travels.  I thought “Do I really need these?” (no) ~ “Will I ever use them” (probably not).  So into the garbage they went.  See?  I do throw stuff out once in a while!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Photo 7 January 7

1-7 From Cindy
A gift from my friend Cindy Sue.  She made me this awesome little bowl in her pottery class and filled it with soaps made by her niece, Jill Howard, who owns Flower Child Herbs up in Riverview, Michigan.  Thanks, Cindy Sue!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Photo 6 January 6

1-6 Lennon book 
Beatlemania.  It was 1964 and I was a HUGE Beatles fan.  My best friend at the time gave me a copy of John Lennon’s book “In His Own Write”.  46 years later, the book is a little a lot shabbier and missing its spine cover, but still a great (odd) read.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Layout 1 ~ Grandkids at Christmas

Week 1 Layout
Grandkids at Christmas.  What a blast we had this year ~ hours of Just Dance with the Wii, Rockband, tons of hugs and just plain craziness.  Loved every minute of being with them ~ priceless.

Photo 5 January 5

1-5 Doing dishes 
My hubby doing dishes.  One of the reasons I’m keeping him for myself.  :)

Monday, January 4, 2010

Photo 4 January 4

My first home dec project of the year ~ a set of stackable tables we got from Mom and Dad.  Originally an old off-white set, I love the way these brighten up the lanai (which was in desperate need of some color out there!)

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Photo 3 January 3

In for the night. This week the weather's threatening overnight temps down in the 30s, so I thought I'd better move my plants in for a while. Hope they don't mind huddling together on my kitchen table!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Photo 2 January 2

From Project 365 - Page-A-Week

My friend Cynthia spent some time in Singapore recently and brought me back this as a gift. I love the unusual color of this jade and how delicate the knotted flower is. Thanks, Cynthia ~ I love it!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Photo 1 January 1

Last remnants of Christmas ~ some of the Christmas cards we received this year.  I have mixed feelings about the close of the Christmas season ~ especially this year.  We had such a good time with the family, I hated to see it end ~ but I'm looking forward to the New Year and what it may bring.

Happy New Year!

Start of a new year ~ start of a new blog.  This year I'll be attempting to actually complete my Project 365 (one photo a day) and I'll be adding one scrapbook page a week (hopefully).  Wish me luck!  In the meantime, wishing all my family and friends a happy, healthy, safe New Year!